Jaime Schmidt – Lessons from a Master

Jaime Schmidt - Lessons from a Master



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Sobre o Livro

Jaime Schmidt – Lessons from a Master

Biography of the soccer trainer  Jaime Schmidt, released on July of 2015, tells the story of the winner way this soccer professional from Rio Grande do Sul lead.

Born in Novo Hamburgo, Jaime Schmidt became famous for finding talents in base category of the  Gre-Nal teams on the 70’s and 80’s. Though 55 years of career Jaime trained 22 clubs of four different Brazilian states and the Deportivo Itália, in Venezuela.

His importance can be measured by the gallery of characters who walk among the pages of this beautiful story: from Rubens Minelli to Luiz Felipe Scolari, from Hélio Dourado to Fernando Carvalho, from Batista and Caçapava to Baltazar Maria de Morais Júnior, God’s goalscorer.

The book brings up the chronology of the main facts in his career and a coloured photo album in coated paper. A highly illustrated book.



Idioma: Português
Autor: Rodrigues, Eduardo
Gênero: Biografia / Futebol
Publicado: 2015
Páginas: 128
Tamanho: 17,5 x 23 Cm

Sobre o autor:  Jornalista, escritor e editor. Trabalhou no Grupo RBS, Grupo Record e Grupo Sinos, além de colaborador, na década de 1990, com o tabloide musical carioca International Magazine.