Jaime Schmidt – Lessons from a Master — Special Edition

Jaime Schmidt - Lessons from a Master — Special Edition



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Sobre o Livro

Jaime Schmidt – Lessons from a Master Special Edition

The first edition of Jaime Schmidt’s biography — Lessons from a Master — is  form 2015. This appendage, shaped in a special way which Melhorpubli publishing house released in 2017 is a precious contribution to the first pages that narrate the facts of a simple life and its great deed in a peculiar way.

The title “Past Times” recalls the glorious past of the character. And, in a happy coincidence, is also the name of a famous samba by Cartola and Carlos Cachaça. The lyrics, on its first stanzas, tells flawlessly the feeling in which the pictures in the book are imbued.

“Past times, never forgotten, bring us the feeling of missing as we remember…” sings Cartola, and thus shall sing the reader entering again in the great game of life of this man and in the history of a legend  — the conquest of Bento Gonçalves Cup in 1985 by São Paulo de Rio Grande — enriched with new details, images and statements.


Idioma: Português
Autor: Rodrigues, Eduardo
Gênero: Biografia / Futebol
Publicado: 2019
Páginas: 144 (com base na versão impressa)
Tamanho: 165 Mb

Sobre o autor: Jornalista, escritor e editor. Trabalhou no Grupo RBS, Grupo Record e Grupo Sinos, além de colaborador, na década de 1990, com o tabloide musical carioca International Magazine.